Antbreaker Reviews

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Antbreaker Ant Bait (Glass Bottle)
SGD 18.99
Antbreaker Ant Bait (Plastic Bottle)
SGD 15.99
“It’s an amazing product cos I’ve been “fighting” with the ants for 27 years and for the first time I won this war. Thanks Antbreaker.”
— K.S.
“I have been facing this problem for about 3 years in my house including my bedroom too. Finally Antbreaker had helped me to remove all the ants. Thank you!”
— H.
“Just wow. I even left sweet stuff on the counter top for fun, nothing came back. Your stuff really exterminated the colony”
— E.L.
“I can’t believe how can just 1 day of putting this solution, next day onwards I see none!! Is that really how it works! It’s really amazing”
— Sheela D.
“This is indeed an amazing product!”
— T.C.W.
Wow, you made it to the bottom of the page! Most ants would have discovered the bait in the time it took to read till here.
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