Common types of ants in Singapore

Ants are among the most common insects found in Singapore. They can be seen crawling on sidewalks, in parks, and even in our homes. While ants are generally harmless, they can be a nuisance and cause damage to property. In Singapore, there are several types of ants that are commonly found. In this article, we will discuss some of the most common types of ants in Singapore.

  1. Singapore Ant (Monomorium floricola)

    The Singapore ant, also known as the pavement ant, is a small brown ant that is commonly found on sidewalks, driveways, and pavements. They are attracted to sugary substances and often invade homes to search for food. They are also known to cause damage to electrical wiring and insulation.

  2. Ghost Ant (Tapinoma melanocephalum)

    The ghost ant is a tiny ant with a translucent body and a dark head. They are often found in kitchens and pantries, where they are attracted to sweet foods. They can be difficult to control as they are very small and can quickly infest a home.

  3. Carpenter Ant (Camponotus spp.)

    Carpenter ants are one of the largest ant species found in Singapore. They are often black or red and can be up to 1 inch in length. They are commonly found in wood structures, such as trees and buildings, where they excavate tunnels and nests. They can cause significant damage to wooden structures if left unchecked.

  4. Pharaoh Ant (Monomorium pharaonis)

    The pharaoh ant is a small yellow ant that is commonly found in homes and buildings. They are attracted to sweet foods and can quickly infest a home if not controlled. They are also known to carry diseases and contaminate food.

  5. Red Imported Fire Ant (Solenopsis invicta)

    The red imported fire ant is an aggressive ant species that is known for its painful sting. They are reddish-brown in color and can be found in parks, gardens, and other outdoor areas. They are a serious pest in Singapore and can cause damage to crops and native wildlife.

In conclusion, ants are a common sight in Singapore, and there are several types of ants that are commonly found. While most ants are harmless, some species can be a nuisance and cause damage to property. It is important to identify the type of ant infestation and take appropriate measures to control them.


How to get rid of ghost ants